Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Costner: Company food

A long ride through a harsh Chinese winter day had us hard up for some chow come lunchtime at noon today. Once again the cook made off like a Sioux bandit at our expense: some type of soya sauce-flavored dou fu, no meat to speak of and some cold vegetables. When there is meat to be had, from the texture of it one might think it is either the dou fu or one of the tabby cats that sometimes wanders through our yard. Cookie is a kind man, quick to laugh, but I am not reassured about his personal hygiene and subsequently the carry-over there may be to the makeup of our meals. I cannot complain, as cold, bad, free chow is better than no chow at all. I can only imagine the people in this land who pass their days with much less on their table than I.

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