Monday, May 6, 2013


It's amazing how hard it is to think about nothing. A friend here told me about a month-long retreat he took in Burma where no one spoke for 30 days. He spent much of the day pacing around a monastery compound and just meditating, "trying to turn off the noise," surprised by how difficult a task that was even after several hours a day for 4 weeks or more.

It doesn't look like the amount of noise we'd all like to escape from sometimes is heading into decline any time soon. In fact, it seems like it's only beginning to ramp up. From mobile computers to connectivity between software connecting people with others all the time, there's always a gadget or interaction that you could or should be attending to.

My experiment is trying to take 10 minutes a day to slow down and figure out if there's any positive effects. I think Day 1 was a success as I didn't fall back asleep while trying to be quiet, breathe deeply and relax. To be continued...

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