From Let's Go China:
Built by General Cai Kai, Huanghuacheng took so long to construct that the unfortunate general was deemed inefficient and beheaded. As testament to his tenacity, his headless body stood vigilant without toppling for three days and three nights before the locals had him interred. When the Mongols attacked, Cai Kai's efforts paid off--Huanghuacheng was the only fortress that successfully warded off the enemy. Abashed, the government reburied Cai Kai with honor near the wall.
This past Thursday, a friend backpacking through Asia and I made our way by bus out of the city and out into Hebei province in an attempt to find a remote stretch of the Great Wall to hike. After battling with minibus drivers for a half hour about prices for the 90-km trip there and back, we finally decided on taking a long distance bus from Dongzhimen out towards Hairou, where we would have to either transfer or find a cab to take us on to Huanghuacheng--the "Yellow Lotus Wall."
We stayed on the bus until the very end of the line, which was in fact at a well-known access point to the wall known as Mutianyu. I tried to make myself clear when we stepped on the bus two hours before that we did not want to go to Mutianyu, but instead wanted to go to Huanghuacheng. As many Chinese do when they are trying to be helpful, they hijack your plans or intentions and instead set you on your way going somewhere or doing something that seems to fit into their conception of what you're looking for but misses the point in some fundamental way. My friend and I got off the bus at Mutianyu and, after using the facilities, came back outside and took out a map. The bus driver walked over and pointed uphill, smiling and repeating: "Great Wall! Great Wall! Go!" When I asked where Huanghuacheng was, he looked confused--"The Great Wall is right here," he seemed to be implying. "Why would you want to go somewhere else when it's right here?" Conversing in pidgin Chinese with this extremely friendly, helpful, chain-smoking bus driver was made much more difficult by the swarm of souvenir and food hawkers screaming around me: "Cup of water! Cup of water!" "Wall shirt! Wall shirt! Wall shirt!" "Cup of water!" "Wall shirt!"
I walked down to the parking lot with the driver and he again asked me if I really wanted to go to Huanghuacheng, and I replied in the affirmative. We got back on the bus, and a very friendly girl who spoke English clarified that the driver was going to take us somewhere to get a taxi. We backtracked about a half-hour from Mutianyu until we arrived back in Hairou, where we jumped off the bus and into a cab out to Huanghuacheng.
White paint surrounded the base of the trees lining either side of the winding road leading up through the valley. The paint had a concrete purpose--it was intended to keep termites out of the trees--but as we whizzed by them at frightening speeds one got the impression of that a white picket fence seemed to be lining the road up into the mountains. We passed by miles of barren cornfields, swerving around mules pulling cartloads of dried stalks back towards farms to be either composted or stored for feed. The autumn colors were out in Hebei, and all around us mountains shot up from the valley floor at drastic angles that made their terraced sides appear miraculous.
(Sorry for the sniffling in the video clip above--I didn't realize the camera mic was that sensitive!)
Through turret after turret we continued to ascend as the afternoon darkened. At the highest turret we reached, as my friend was playing with the aperture or the focus on his new camera, I looked out onto the mountains to the north of us and the valley to the south and tried to fully gather the nature of where we were and what we were doing. I had seen pictures of this place since grade school. It was one of the first images that came to my mind and the one that comes to most people's mind if they know anything about China. It was a Wonder of the Ancient (as well as modern) World, and it was literally thousands of years old. I saw people conclude pilgrimages to this place earlier that day. The history combined with the altitude left me dizzy.
We were taken down the row and into another room with an elevated platform bed emanating an incredible amount of heat. I had heard of these heated beds before, and the prospect of settling into one at some point in the next hour or so had me smiling with anticipation. We dropped our bags and headed to the dining room, where Mr. Liu showed me that there was essentially no food to be had, at which point he handed me a menu and told me to order whatever we wanted. He brought over to us as appetizers a plate filled with small, wet, green apples. Apparently the purpose of the water still sitting stagnantly in the plate was to indicate that the apples had in fact previously been washed.
Mr. Liu sat down with us down at table, poured my friend and I a cup of tea, and became insulted after we initially refused a pair of cigarettes he offered us. The green tea (lu cha) tasted particularly good when mixed with a chew on the apple. The several minutes it took Mr. Liu to throw together some vegetable friend rice and sweet and sour chicken allowed us some time to chat for a bit about how indescribably impressive the Wall was. What was even more impressive was how we had managed to find ourselves here, the only inhabitants of a mountainside motel in a small town in Hebei province. It was a far cry from the dormitory that we had woken up in earlier that morning in Beijing, or the houses in the suburbs that we came from before that. It was nice getting out of the city--the air tasted better, and incredibly the people seemed even nicer than they were in Beijing.
The platform bed was so hot that I thought about tossing off the comforter. Aside from a thin mat placed over the platform itself, we slept on what felt like a table. That next morning, my back had never felt better.
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